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About us

Who are we?


Morzine MTB arranges international biking holidays. The company was established in 2002 and has successfully served thousands of holiday makers.


Most of the holidays are organised in Morzine, in the Portes du Soleil area of the French Alps, one of Europe’s most sought after riding destinations. Every year, Morzine MTB manages a number of properties in Morzine and nearby, offering great prices and high levels of service to all guests.


Morzine MTB offers a wide range of accommodation from small apartments, to Chalets, to Hotels. All are in great locations, with facilities for mountain bikers (bike storage, cleaning…). The size of our operation means you receive a higher level of service for a lower price.


Two in resort reps are available from the moment of arrival to departure. They advise on where to ride, where to eat, and other activities you can do. They also lead an introductory ride at least once a week.


In the summer of 2017 Morzine MTB became part of the Penguin Tourist Services Ltd group but carries out its activities independently.