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Chalet Les Egralets


Secure bike storage
300 meters
From lifts
300 meters
From center

You’ve obviously chosen Morzine because of the amazing riding here. However, maybe you want to experience some of the other activities on offer. Here are just a few of the options available for a day off the bike.


An exciting extreme white water activity that includes abseiling from a high bridge onto the river, jumping into the water and some waterfall “slides”! Wetsuits are obligatory! Hours of fun and excitement in nature, seeing the river from another angle.

Price: Around 50 euros

Time: 3 hours

Information: www.ecoledeglisse.com/en


The river Dranse takes meltwater from Avoriaz down the valley. It flows fast over the rocky river bed, making for an exciting rafting experience. In a raft with an instructor to guide you, you’ll paddle your way through rapids, past awe inspiring cliffs, jump off rocks into the river and have an adrenaline rush like no other!

Price: Around 38 euros

Time: 3 hours

Information: en.morzine-avoriaz.com/whitewater-activities.html

Mont Blanc

Europe’s highest mountain at 4808 metres is only an hours drive from Morzine. Snowy year round, it’s an incredible sight to behold. You’ll also want to spend a little time wandering the streets of the famous mountain town at its foot, Chamonix.

Price: Around 35 euros

Estimated time: 2 hours (plus driving time)

Information: http‭://‬www.chamonix.com


Imagine running off the top of a mountain and flying through the air…. Attached to an instructor of course! An incredible experience with unparalleled views of the mountains. See Morzine from a different angle!

Price: Around 75 euros

Time: 30 minutes

Information: http‭://‬en.morzine-avoriaz.com/paragliding-1‭.‬htm


Flying through the air at 100km an hour, from one mountain to another… The Fantasticable offers you the experience of flight. Attached to a huge zip wire there’s nothing to do but enjoy the views and excitement. The earth will be far below, about 245 metres to be exact, and you’ll travel around 1300 metres.

Price: Around 35 euros

Time: Who cares?!

Information: https‭://‬www.morznet.com/activities/companies/fantasticable

Information about all these activities, and more, can be found from the Club Giraffe reps in Morzine.

Please let us know what activities you did and what you thought of them, so we can help advise future guests.